Friday, December 22, 2006

Fast forward

Just so everyone knows that everything has turned out okay so far, I thought I should put up a couple of pictures from the 2006 season of Trinity Lime Rock's Summer Soccer.

The picture on your left was taken in early July. The kids are a couple of the 8 year olds who participated for most of the summer.

The shirts were the generous gift of a parishioner who seemed to intuitively understand what I was trying to do with the whole idea of summer soccer. The kids really REALLY liked the shirts.

The balls were not intended to be color-coordinated, it was just that had that particular color on sale when I concluded that I definitely needed some more size five soccer balls, since the kids had very quickly realized that there was no percentage in bringing their own ball to the sessions.

The picture on your right was taken at one of the sessions in mid-August. The truck isn't intended to be color-coordinated either; it happened that when my wife bought it, it was the color that the dealer had in stock from the previous model year and she got it cheap.
In our little parish church, the fact that as many kids were present on a Sunday in August as you see on the truck represented a fair approximation of history being made.
Anyway, now that you know that we have achieved a measure of success so far, you should also know that in future posts I will be talking about:
1. How we got from zero kids per Sunday in the summer to the group on the truck in only fourteen months
2. Why mainstream protestant clergy are generally bemused -- if not stunned -- when I tell them about Summer Soccer at Trinity and why it is GOOD.

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