Thursday, February 9, 2012

Equine Academy at Lexington Catholic

Just saw this linked from the US Pony Clubs' Facebook page.  It appears that Lexington Catholic -- presumably a parochial school in Lexington, KY -- has decided to capitalize on their co-location with the Kentucky Horse Park and a variety of other equine facilities by offering a high school equestrian program, called, appropriately, the Equine Academy at Lexington Catholic.  

It sounds like a great idea to me.   Knowing the Lexington KY area a little bit, it almost seems like such an obvious opportunity for real synergy that a program like this should have been in place forever! 

So here's the question:  are there any other church-affiliated high schools that could benefit from a link-up with a preeminent sports facility that happens to be local?  Possibly one in your area? 

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