Saturday, July 12, 2008

NOT a loss leader

For anyone who feels that having enough space for kids to do sports is simply a matter of spending money on the undeserving, let me offer a good example of how churches can have open space that's used for sports for kids and have it make a contribution to the bottom line as well.

Here's the link.

You see, here at Trinity, we let Lime Rock Park use our field (that tomorrow morning will be occupied by kids playing soccer) for overflow parking for their racing events. As the blog post linked shows, they had a very good day today, and they compensate us on a per car basis for cars that they park in our field. They also maintain the field for us! Good people, and we are happy to have the racers and their fans as part of our extended ministry.

Try looking around your place and see where you have some space that could do double -- or triple -- duty!!

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