Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Exercise for teen girls prevents cancer later on

After the depressing NYTimes article about teenage girls who damage their knees (particularly) in competitive sports, I've had my eyes out for news that indicates that vigorous physical activity might have some offsetting benefits for this population.

I was glad to find a study cited that indicates that pre-menopausal cancers among women who had been physically active as teenagers are more than 25% less frequent than among women who had been sedentary as teens.

Here's the permalink to the article.

Perhaps there's a middle way that churches ought to consider -- especially for girls: something between encouraging/coercing girls to sit quietly with their hands demurely folded in their laps (this typically "churchy girl" behavior is correlated with increased frequency of cancer) and the other extreme, playing on three travel soccer teams simultaneously (this "girl jock" behavior causes increased risk of ACL tears).

The middle way is called "fun sports for teens", especially teen girls.

What's YOUR church doing about this? We would love to hear!

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